Epic Tip of the Week: How to Copy a Previous Assessment
If you are a nurse you are familiar with the amount of time…

Epic Tip of The Week - Building an Epic SmartList
When documenting a note, it is often helpful to have many of…

Epic Inpatient Tip of the Week: Automatic & Manual Cascading Rows
Automatic & Manual Cascading Rows
Inpatient nurses have…

Epic Inpatient Tip of the Week: Filtering Notes
3 ways for users to Filter Notes in Epic Inpatient
One of the…

Epic Inpatient Tip of the Week: Using Synopsis Activity
You have a patient under your care who has received several interventions,…

Epic MU Stage 2 Objectives: Understanding Patient Portals
Epic MU Stage 2 Objectives
With the move from Meaningful Use…

5 Ways to WOW 1,000 Epic Users with your Epic Upgrade Training
It’s that time again. Your organization is getting ready to…

HIMSS Case Study: How MBA HealthGroup helped Fletcher Allen with their Epic 2012 Upgrade
National Consulting Firm Takes Innovative Approach to…

Epic: The Benefits and Potential Pitfalls of Personalization
Personalization is a great way to improve user efficiency and…

Epic Upgrade: Improved Process for Manage Orders Activity
Reviewing and placing orders are two of the most important aspects…