Introducing the printed form automation tool, FormMation
Despite the growing adoption of EHR’s and other electronic…

5 Ways to Optimize your Revenue Cycle on Allscripts PM
1. Decrease A/R – Apply Oldest Self Pay at Point of Service

Allscripts v11 Note Forms: To Customize or Not to Customize
The dust has finally settled from initial EHR “go-live" implementations.…

Allscripts TouchWorks EHR/PM Tips: October 2014
Allscripts TouchWorks EHR Tip of the Month
Empowering the User…

Allscripts TouchWorks EHR/PM Tips: September 2014
Allscripts TouchWorks EHR Tip of the Month
By hiding toolbars,…

4 Tips for a Smooth TouchWorks MU Stage 2 Upgrade
Congratulations you are ready for the Meaningful Use Stage 2…

Part 4: Allscripts TouchWorks v11.4.1 MU2 Measures
In Part 1 of our Meaningful Use Stage 2 series, we explain the…

Part 3: Allscripts TouchWorks v11.4.1 MU2 Measures
In Part 1, we explained the conceptual changes between Meaningful…

7 Tips for a Hassle-Free v11.4.1 Allscripts Upgrade
We've entered the second quarter of 2014, which means Allscripts…

Part 2: Allscripts TouchWorks v11.4.1 MU Stage 2 Measures
In Part 1, we explained the conceptual changes between Meaningful…